Friday, October 6, 2017

Creation of the Wee Folk Toracles

I began photographing Wee Folk in May of 2016, though when I went out with my camera, Wee Folk wasn't even in my list of hopeful things to catch in my pictures. I actually was looking for other paranormal phenomena such as orbs, ectoplasms, apparitions, and the like for a website my husband and I had had since 2004 called the Night Watchman Chronicles.

As a side note, we had been talking seriously about letting the Night Watchman Chronicles website go as paranormal websites like ours were a dime a dozen by this time (2016). My husband's interests had moved in a different direction and I admit to being at a loss as to where to go next if we did allow the website to disappear after 14 years. As the saying goes, "When one door closes, another opens", and I have no doubt that my guide, Sakeina, helped to bring about this change of direction for me. In going through my photos, I discovered my first Wee Folk and the Night Watchman Chronicles became a love of the past in January 2017, replaced by Land of Wee Folk - a whole new adventure.

Taken at the Effigy Mounds in Harper's Ferry, Iowa

I continued to photograph, finding Wee Folk in many of my photos, and before I knew it, I had hundreds of Wee Folk pictures. My eyes, being practiced in finding the Wee Folk after several weeks, picked up many Wee Folk in the photographs I knew that others would probably not be able to see. This changed my way of viewing and I began searching for only those Wee Folk that appeared three dimensional and that I was certain other people would be able to see without difficulty. I wanted to make sure that the photos I presented would not be considered pareidolia - the ability to see patterns of familiar things in clouds, wall paper, carpet, etc. that aren't really there.

As often happens, I was given the idea of working with the Wee Folk to create a deck of cards. The idea came as a random thought - often the way my guide, Sakeina, offers me suggestions - and I began to find even more wonderful three dimensional Wee Folk in my photos that would work on a deck of cards. This was confirmation that creating the deck was the way I should go.

The ability to create this deck came in bits and pieces over a number of years, though I had no idea where these abilities were leading. In 2006, I met Sakeina through a woman from England who drew pictures of guides when looking at a person's photograph. At the same time, I was urged in my dreams to create an alphabet board and purchase a pendulum, so I could learn to communicate with my guide once I knew who she was. Dowsing (using the board and pendulum) became a part of my life and I've taught many others to dowse their guides as well. Later, I began reading cards - not Tarot (though I dabbled), but playing cards - and I created a deck of cards that would make it easier for me to read when out in public. I also began reading photographs for others through the Night Watchman Chronicles website. People would send me photos with paranormal anomalies in them and I would dowse with Sakeina who would give me messages from these photographs - messages that were meant for the people who took the photographs and the feedback from these people was quite heartwarming. The skills I needed to work with the Wee Folk I was photographing had all fallen into place.

The Wee Folk Toracles card deck has been created by the Wee Folk I have photographed. Each Wee Folk, whose photo I chose, readily agreed to be a part of this deck and to give a message they felt would be helpful to anyone using the Wee Folk Toracles. Sakeina, my guide, was the go-between, and the board and pendulum were used for each and every message. Being human, it's often difficult not to form an opinion or image of what I believe the Wee Folk in a particular photograph was sharing. Needless to say, I was amazed as the messages I received came through and I realized how wrong my preconceived ideas were about them.

Each Wee Folk began their dowsing session with their name and the subject matter title, then proceeded to give me the message. It was a long process, but the outcome is a deck of cards, picture and message, delivered by a world of people that is virtually unseen and considered myth. How exciting is that!!!

It is an honor to be able to photograph and bring these Wee Folk to you and my hope is that you will learn as much from them as I have. Their wisdom is truly amazing!

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This is the 2018 Scorpio Forecast featuring the Wee Folk Toracles deck. If you prefer, you can listen to this forecast on my YouTube channe...