Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Law and Opening a Tarot Home Business

I must admit to feeling quite irritated at having to write this particular blog post but, despite how I feel about it personally, it is necessary. There are so many things in our lives that are "regulated" already that it is really frustrating to add one more thing to the list, so let's get it over with right now.

Starting a Tarot Home Business may or may not be an easy task and this is all dependent on where you live. There are some states in the U.S. that require a lot of "hoop jumping" to start a business that is considered "fortune telling". Yes, it is claimed that these laws are for the purpose of protecting the public from fraud but, I believe it is more about money and whose pockets get lined (but, that's another story).

There are also some states where any kind of "fortune telling" is illegal. Tarot reading is just one in a LONG list of "can't do" occupations in the "psychic" arena, yet it's okay for someone to "predict" the weather and get paid or for someone to "predict" the stock market and get paid. Now, before I go into a total rant here, I'm going to move forward with what this blog is supposed to be about, but picture me up on my feet, ranting and raving like a mad woman over the injustice of it all as I write this. You can thank my husband for allowing me to get out most of my ranting and raving before attempting to write.

When you have a passion for something, such as Tarot reading, it's often quite easy to overlook something that you couldn't possibly imagine being a problem. The law is one of those things. After all, you're not doing anything wrong - you are HELPING PEOPLE who want to be helped in this way, so WHY would you even consider that it might be "against the law"?

Before you put a lot of time into opening a Tarot Home Business, I suggest you look into the laws of your state AND the laws of the county you live in concerning "fortune telling" or "psychic anything". Though you might think that the laws of your state would be the same for every county, this is NOT the case. Some states allow "fortune telling" (I really hate that description), but some of the counties in that state might have made it illegal. You should be able to check in at your County Courthouse to find the answers to your county's laws regarding this issue. 

Of course, it may take your County Clerk time to determine whether it is legal or not because it probably isn't a question they get every day, but you want to make sure that there is nothing standing in the way of you building a successful home business based around reading the Wee Folk Toracles cards. This includes any "old" laws from the 1800's that might still be "on the books". These laws may have been forgotten about because they are so ridiculous, but they are still enforceable because they ARE still on the books. You want to have ALL the information you need.

In some states, all that is required is a disclaimer saying that what you are doing is "for entertainment purposes only" but, in other states, being a "fortune teller" is subject to a hefty fine and time in prison. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT???!!! Some states could care less and leave their people to pursue the occupations that they wish to pursue (that are not illegal). From what I could find, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and New York are four states that are necessary to really check into because there is a lot of issue surrounding any kind of "psychic" business. I'm certain there are other states as well, but this is all I could find in an online search.

What I am saying here is take the time to search this out because you don't want to start your card reading home business and end up in trouble for doing so. You could certainly find a much better use for your hard earned income than paying fines to the courts for something that is "ridiculous" to have to even consider.

One other consideration to look into is whether or not there are specific "zoning" laws for businesses in your town. Some places only allow businesses in certain areas of town and your neighborhood may not be in that "zoned" area. I suggest, if you think this might be an issue, to call or visit City Hall in your town to find out for sure. Obviously, if you have other people in your neighborhood who have  "hair salons" or "daycare" or "tax preparation" businesses based out of their homes, then you are probably safe, but it never hurts to check. You never know if there is a specific license you need to get to open your home business.

If you have any doubts at all, find a business lawyer that offers free consultations. Make a list of the questions you have ahead of time, so you can cover as much as possible within the time allotted for that free consultation.

I do hope that this blog post has not deterred your enthusiasm about starting a home business reading the Wee Folk Toracles cards. As I said, I hated having to cover this aspect of business, but you really do need to have ALL the information. Remember, the saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way". If starting a home business is your heart's desire and there are legal precedents standing in your way, you may be able to find a way around the issue. Make THAT one of your questions if consulting a lawyer.

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