Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Talking About Your "Unconventional" Home Business

Having a home business that is considered "unconventional" can be difficult to talk about as you never know how someone will react to what you do. Though Tarot has been around for centuries, there are still many skeptics out there who just can't bring themselves to believe in anything that they can't "see" or "touch". 

The key to talking about your home business of card reading is to ALWAYS talk about what you do with passion and authority. This doesn't mean bowling a person over with facts. It just means that you need to talk about card reading without hesitation, shyness, or embarrassment as though what you are doing should be "hidden". Being passionate and sure of yourself (without ego) gives those who are skeptical a "hmmmm" moment. Maybe, just maybe, there IS something to it. This also means looking that person in the eye. You don't want to say, "I do card readings", then look away as though it was embarrassing to say. Body language is easily caught and this does nothing for your credibility. You need to believe in yourself or no one is going to believe in you.

So, what EXACTLY do you do? What about your home business of card reading makes you passionate? Why do you love what you do? Why did you decide to do card readings? What about your card readings is different than what other card readers do? What do your card readings offer to your clients? Why would a person want to come for a card reading with you?

These are questions you should take the time to answer for yourself because what you determine from these questions is what will, inevitably, come out when talking about your home business of card reading to someone else. You NEED to know your passion or you will never be able to "sell" it to someone else or show the necessary passion and authority for your own home business.

Don't ever go by appearances either. If a "professional" looking person asks you what you do, tell them with passion and authority while handing them your business card. Oftentimes, readers will shy away from wealthy people or "professional" people, but a lot of business can be lost this way. Look at all the celebrities who use psychics, astrologers, card readers, etc. Your business card IS your best friend in your home business as it's a great conversation starter, so make use of it. 

Don't shy away from people like your next door neighbor either. Keep in mind, the average person doesn't run into someone like you every day - someone who reads cards - so, even if they don't "believe", if you have made an impression on them because you are passionate about what you do, they will absolutely have to tell others about this "unique" moment in their day. It's a different kind of word of mouth that might actually bring you a new client or two.

Most importantly, when talking about your home business of card reading, BE YOURSELF! Don't try to make yourself into someone different or mysterious just because your home business is "unconventional". Let your passion and authority (and business card) speak for you. The exception here is if you have decided to create a "character" to play in your home business such as the character of a gypsy woman where you dress the part and decorate your home to reflect this for your clients. In this case, you might want to stay in character all the time to promote your home business.

Believe in yourself, be honest, be serious (though not too serious), show integrity, know why you are passionate about your card reading business, speak with authority (without ego), and be yourself! When you are passionate about your work and LOVE what you do, it shows and people notice and it makes talking about your home business easy no matter who you are talking to.

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