Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Your Card Reading Home Business Image

Image is a tough thing for most of us, especially women. It isn't just about putting on make-up, throwing on some clothes and heading out. It's about "who we want to be". There is a method of madness to the clothes we choose, the hairstyles we get, and the make up we use, even if it's totally subconscious. Our personalities (and pocket book) dictate how we present ourselves to the world.

I've always been a very "plain" individual - jeans and shirt/sweatshirt kind of person. This is not who I really wanted to be, but I did this for my children when they were growing up. If I had dressed the way I truly wanted to, I would have embarrassed them as my style would have been more flowing and "witchy". Kind of like Endora on the old television show "Bewitched". This style really appeals to me. I still dress in jeans and shirt/sweatshirt even though my children are grown and living on their own. I have, however, adopted the hat you see me in on my YouTube videos. My husband bought me this and I really do love it. It allows me to be myself, yet feel more true to myself.

When considering your home business as a Wee Folk Toracles card reader, you need to decide "who you want to be". How do you want your clients to "know you"? This is the perfect business to become the person you've always wanted to be, so if you are attracted to the "old ways" with herbs growing, crystals lying around, candles of all shapes and colors sitting about, unique styled furniture, bottles of essential oils on display and so on, you can do this. It makes for an amazing atmosphere for clients who have the secret desire to do exactly what you are doing and who might love to bask in the atmosphere you provide. If you've had a job where you have been required to dress up professionally (suit style or dress), you can decide to wear "comfy" clothes for your business. The greatest thing about this is... you have the FREEDOM to decide for yourself.

Whatever you choose, your clients will get used to it. Your personality won't change - just your look and if your look changes, your surroundings will eventually change to match that look. It may happen gradually, but it will happen. When you become true to yourself, amazing things happen!

So, take the time to search within. Don't worry that what you choose might be "too weird" or "not mystic enough" or "too professional" or "not professional enough". This is YOUR business and it should reflect YOU - whoever that person is. As I said, your clients will get used to it and if you are a phenomenal Wee Folk Toracles reader, they won't care what you look like anyway. They'll just be thrilled that you are there to offer them a course of action on their life journey.

The point is, if you have been working for the man and are now considering a home business, you should take advantage of the freedom it offers you. Have fun with it - allow yourself to be creative and use your imagination - MAKE IT YOUR OWN. And, if you work at it (and yes, there is work involved), clients will eventually come. Remember, if you love yourself - and you will, if you can finally truly be who you want to be - your clients will love you too.

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This is the 2018 Scorpio Forecast featuring the Wee Folk Toracles deck. If you prefer, you can listen to this forecast on my YouTube channe...